
At the US legal network we offer services to the home owners who have fallen victim of mortgage modification fraud. If you are among the victims, then you are on the right place where we will offer free guidance regarding your situation. We offer different services to our clients that suits specific situations.

Our services are designed to fit different needs of the homeowners. Some of the services are meant to serve homeowners who are in financial constraints. There are those customers who have lost their jobs and do not have any other source of income while others have fallen sick making them to spend their money on treatments. Homeowners who are faced with such challenges may be unable to finance their mortgage payments. We have service s to cater for such group of homeowners.

Some of the services that we offer to the home owners include;

  1. US Legal Network services
  2. H.A.R.P (Home Affordable Refinance Program)
  3. H.A.R.P 2.0(Home Affordable Refinance Program 2.0)
  4. Short sale program
  5. Courts Form preparation
  6. Mass Tort Mortgage Litigation
  7. Individualized Lender Mitigation
  8. Mortgage Loan Audit
  9. Foreclosure Defense

At US Legal network we have a pool of skilled professionals who offers our services in a professional way. Our team of experts will offer quality services that matches with your requirements. If you want to derive maximum benefit from our services ensure you seek a service that is best suited to your mortgage repayment situation. If you do not understand the service that suits you well, seek for help from our team of experts to guide you in selecting the service that will suit your situation.

Our main aim is to offer high quality services that will satisfy our clients. The major goal that we focus on is offering the services to the clients who have been victimized by the mortgage modification fraudsters to have justice. The US legal services regarding mortgage modification fraud is offered for free to the victims who seek our assistance. We are committed in ensuring victims whose situation has been taken advantage of by fake mortgage lenders are granted their rights.

If you are in a situation where you require any of our services, feel free to contact us and we will serve you to our level best. Might you be having a friend who might be in need of any of our services? If yes direct him or her to US Legal Network and we will offer the services that meet his need.