
Being faced with financial setbacks and you have Mortgage repayments to make is a major challenge to every person. I once found myself being unable to raise my mortgage repayment money at one time. I tried all ways of raising money such as looking for online jobs but I would get none. Two months passed and I was fully unable to pay for the mortgage repayment. As I was searching for job in various websites, I came across a mortgage modification company site and I read the services it was offering. I realized their services would assist me and hence I contacted them. When I went in their office they told me to pay quarter of the mortgage balance to them and they would facilitate my mortgage payments then I would pay the balance with a low interest rate. I borrowed the money and paid to them in hope of maintaining my home. After one week I received a call from my mortgage lender warning me of the consequences for nonpayment. When I explained to them about the mortgage modification company that I had organized to pay for me they told me I was corned. I was depressed but my girlfriend explained to me that US Legal network would assist me. I contacted them and they offered me US legal services that assisted me to recover my money which I did. I strongly thank US legal network and recommend it to anyone who may is facing such a problem.